Open the Door to Understanding About the Holocaust in Middle School

by | Aug 19, 2020 | Career and Education

Middle school students are impressionable, the lessons they learn during this time of their life will help shape their thought processes and experiences. It’s important that during this time they are taught about prejudice, injustice, and hate, and what they can do to prevent it. Teaching the holocaust to middleschoolers can help them to understand why it is so important to be tolerant of others. By educating our youth we will ensure we never forget and never repeat the events that happened under Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany.

Learn from Someone Who Saw it Happen

Teaching the Holocaust to middleschoolers shouldn’t only be in the pages of history book that will soon be forgotten. They aren’t likely to remember the lecture from their teacher either. Young teens need to discover what the Holocaust was all about in a powerful way. A firsthand account from a concentration camp survivor will leave a lasting impression on students of all ages. A teacher can only share the knowledge about a dark stain on the world’s history. A survivor lived it.

Show Students the Price of Intolerance

The Zachor Holocaust Curriculum offers teachers a free resource for teaching the Holocaust to middleschoolers. Lesson plans, timelines, and videos created by founder, Ben Lesser, are available at the click of a button. Educators can make sure their students learn about the high cost of prejudice, ensure the many lost will never be forgotten, and work toward a brighter tomorrow. Explore the Zachor Holocaust Curriculum and all it has to offer by going to

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