Specialize with an Arts Journalism Program

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Education Information

As the journalism sector continues to be challenged and changed by the arrival of the internet, the need to specialize has never been greater. Journalists who are serious about making their way in this sector are now being encouraged to specialize in a specific area of interest. As the journalism sector continues to grow you will continue to see vast areas of development as you need to take a multi-disciplined approach to your planned career.

Combining your love of journalism with the Arts

Journalism is becoming an ever more specialized sector. Our approach is that your love of the arts should be reflected in your journalistic career. When you set out to become a journalist, you are looking to create a career that allows you to bring forward your love of the arts and arts journalism. By taking a different approach to arts journalism you are bringing a large amount of personal experience and success to the coverage of the most important stories in the artistic sector.

A Multi-Disciplined Approach

As a journalist, you will be expected to take on a better approach to journalism than simply writing about your subjects. Instead, we believe the number of options you will use should be reflected in our courses with video, photography, and many more areas of interest being important to you in the present and the future. Contact the School of Art Institute of Chicago to learn more about our journalism courses.

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