There is so much going on in the world today that we sometimes forget the Jewish Holocaust and the remembrance days that go with it. January 27th happens to be International Holocaust remembrance day, and there are too remembrance dates in April and May when actual Holocaust events took place. There are a few ways you can find all the remembrance days and tell others about them, too.
An initial way to locate Holocaust memorial days would be to visit Jewish temples in the area. The temples usually have services on Fridays/Saturdays. Everyone is welcome, though a yarmulke is usually required. After each service, you can dine with the congregation and get all of your questions answered as they relate to remembrance days surrounding the Holocaust.
Searching online for these remembrance days is next, but you must be careful that you are getting your information from the correct sources. Reading reviews on websites as to how the information was completely accurate and changed someone’s life is the surest way to tell the information you are reading is reliable.
Web is exceptional when it comes to keeping track of Holocaust memorial days. Ben Lesser is the owner of this business/website, and he has an entire section of the website dedicated solely to Holocaust remembrance days and how they all came into being. You can even choose to hire Ben Lesser and have him speak at your school or business about these days and what we can do today to keep them alive. You can reach the online company here Web.